Connect with one another

Children's Junior Worship

We want faith formation to be fun and functional. So, we aim to help kids learn about God and grow their relationship with Jesus innovatively.  Junior worship offers hands-on activities, games, crafts, and more to help connect messages of scripture to everyday life.  Junior worship takes place during the 10:00 am worship service. 

Adult Sunday School: 9:00 am 

This group of adults meets together each Sunday to discuss a book they are studying. The current class facilitator is Tim Smith. They are currently reading "The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak" by Shannon Bream.  This group is open to adults of all ages and abilities. 

Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study

Pastor Andrea leads this Bible study each Wednesday at 3:30pm. Check the church calendar to see if a study is taking place now. 


In the past, this group has studied, Mark, Luke, John, Romans, Revelations, Colossians, James, Ecclesiastes, Exodus, and many other books of the Bible.


This group is very informal and open to people of all levels of study. 

Short Term Studies

Throughout the year we will offer short-term Bible or book studies that offer families and individuals opportunities for spiritual growth. They may be in-person, virtual, or hybrid.



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