What We Believe

We believe that "God so LOVED the world, that God gave God's one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. " (John 3:16)


Therefore, at Trinity United Methodist Church we seek to spread the word of God, and live the love of Jesus as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit!


Trinity UMC is a community of faith that seeks to be intentionally intergenerational. We value the beauty that people of all ages, races, ethnicities, and walks of life bring to the table of the Lord. We also believe that God loves all people and that all people are welcome to come and worship the God of the Universe in community. Our worship is enhanced and made beautiful in the sight of God by the diversity that fills our historic sanctuary every Sunday. We continue to be a place where all are welcomed and loved. At Trinity, all means all


Our faith in Christ is grounded in four things: 

  •  The historical, theological, and liturgical TRADITION of the church,
  •  The disciplined use of REASON, and
  •  A carefully pondered and self-reflecting relationship with life EXPERIENCE.


We exist to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.

We seek to meet this mission by creating and sharing ministries that work to:

  • Create new places in our faith community for new people.
  • Train and equip our young for faithful leadership in the world.
  • Create meaningful relationships that share the love of Christ with the world around us. 


John Wesley's three simple rules are our guiding principles: 

  • Do No Harm
  • Do Good
  • Stay in Love with God


Additional Resources: 

The West Ohio Annual Conference of the UMC: westohioumc.org

The United Methodist Church: umc.org

United Methodist Discipleship Ministries: umdiscipleship.org

The General Board of Global Ministries: umcmission.org

The United Methodist Student Organization: umsobg.com

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© Trinity United Methodist Church