The Esther Circle
United Women in Faith Group
Turning Faith, Hope and Love into Action
Meetings Every Second Wednesday of the Month at 10:00am
Esther Circle was organized in November of 1965 pioneering the first breakfast meeting of the UMW Circles at Trinity. Although there have been several other Circles, Esther's Circle is still the active circle at Trinity. They have been awarded as a 5 star unit, and they regularly do mission work together at The Friendly Center in Toledo. There are members form the group who travel to The Christian Appalachian Project Mission site each fall as well as Red Bird Mission to serve in the name of the Lord.
All Trinity women are welcome to attend and become part of this mission-oriented group. Look for our monthly meeting announcements in the Sunday Bulletins and The Tell. We are happy to be part of the 800,000 women who make up the United Women of Faith! We are FAITH, HOPE, LOVE IN ACTION!